Thursday, May 25, 2023

0 2 1 1 2 0 Zero to One and One to Zero

0 2 1 1 2 0
Zero to 0ne
One to Zero

Putting Dots in straight line forms One

Putting Dots at a constant distance from a point forms Circle means Zero

Let's say each dot represents human being.

Human beings in straight line forms One and Alphabet I.

Human beings in circle forms Zero. So Zero represents equal distance of each Human being from centre.

Human beings in circle represents infinite and equal.

Human beings in straight line represents part of one and putting all humans in line represent One.

Human beings can be present in concentric circles and represents connection to centre no matter how far they are from the centre.

So human beings can be present in One or can be present in circle. In circle everyone is tied to One centre and if broken it may be lost as broken star in the universe.

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