Saturday, April 9, 2016

I lost my sense

I lost my sense
The sense of self
The sense of relation

I lost my sense
The sense of pride
The sense of competing

I lost my sense
The sense of family
The sense of care

I lost my sense
The sense of perfection
The sense of righteousness

I lost my sense
The sense of feelings
The sense of emotions

I lost my sense
The sense of presence
The sense of hope

I lost my sense
The sense of conscious
The sense of sense

I am senseless
I am speechless
I am hurt

I am hurt
I lost my hope
I am all alone

I am alone
I may be alone
I afraid to be alone

I am broken inside
I am hurt inside
I am in pain inside

I have no sense of change
I am afraid I may never change
I am perhaps too rigid to be a person

I am looser inside out
I am looser head to toe
I am looser overall

I was looser in past
I am looser today
I may be looser tomorrow

I lost my hope
I lost my sense
I lost my self

I am lost
I am senseless
I am broken
I am hopeless

I just hope to find a little help
I just hope to find my self
I just hope to love my self

I just hope to survive
I just hope to not hurt anymore
I just hope to love my self

I hope to live my life
I hope to love my life
I hope to find my life

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