Monday, August 29, 2016

Mai Moorakh Kee Kaethak Baath Hai

Aeik Aounkaar Sathgur Persaadh

SSGGS0612 Mahalaa 5

Mai Moorakh Kee
  Kaethak Baath Hai
    Kot-i Praadhee Thariaa Rae II
Gur-u Nanaak-u
  Jin Sunniaa Paekhiaa
    Say Phir-i Gharbhaas-i Na Pariaa Rae II

Mai.                 Means.       Me (I)
Moorakh.        Means.       Fool
Kee.                 Means.       Of
Kaethak.         Means.       What to
Baath.             Means.       Talk about (me)
Hai.                 Means.        Present tense
Kot-i.               Means.        Millions of
Paraadhee.    Means.        Sinners
Thariaa           Means.        Got salvation
Rae.                Means.        Present tense
II.                     Means.        Full stop
Gur-u.              Means.        Teacher (Guru)
Naanak-u.      Means.        Naanak (Name)
Jin-i.               Means.         Those
Sunniaa.        Means.         Listened to
Paekhiaa.      Means.         Has seen
Say.                Means.         Those
Phir-i.             Means.         Again
Garbhaas-i .  Means.         Rebirth
Na.                 Means.         Not
Pariaa.           Means.          Get
Rae.               Means.          Present tense
II.                    Means.          Full stop

Fifth Guru Naanak (Guru Arjan)  is saying:

"What to talk about fool like me, millions of sinners have got salvation who have listened to advice of and seen to Guru Naanak and such sinners got permanent escape from further birth (reincarnation)."


If millions of sinners can get salvation by listening to advice of or by seeing Guru Naanak, my fool's sin is simply that I ignored God and didn't listen to advice of Guru and it is not a big deal! Now by listening to Guru's advice I too can get salvation.


If big rogues like Sajjan Thugh who deceive public by pretending a humble and generous person and whose corrupt mind looted general public ;
big criminals like Kaudaa Raakshish who used to kill human beings, eat human flesh for his survival sake and who have no value of human beings;
big sinner Ganikaa who was prostitute throughout life for sake of earning money and physical pleasure and millions like them, who were big sinners but after listening to Guru's advice they changed their lifestyle of immoral corrupt criminals to  moral honest humble lifestyle and finally got salvation by practicing Gurus advice.
If those immoral corrupt criminals can receive salvation by following Guru's advice then why can't I if I follow to Gurus advice by listening to Guru's advice.


We are all fools who don't think about God and don't follow Guru's advice.
Even though we may not be immoral in conduct, not corrupt in our thoughts and actions and not selling body for earning living, not using body in extra marital affairs, not indulging mind in constant pursuit of sexual desires and pleasures, nor indulging mind in constant pursuit of acquiring worldly wealth and status yet without thinking about God and following advice of Guru  we are simply fools.

Bigger Fools
Biggest Fools
Smaller Fools

So there are fools in world who are not immoral, corrupt or criminals.

Also there are bigger fools in world who are immoral, corrupt or criminals.

There are also smaller fools in world who may think about God and listen to Guru's advice but live their life their own way.

There are biggest fool in world who think about God always and listen to and practice Gurus advice but brag about their moral practices (rehat) , God's knowledge and connection and Guru's favourite by following and practice Guru-Advice.

May God bless everyone Guru Advice to live life full of love and peace and heavenly abode after this life.

True is the name of supreme Har forever
Dhaas Satnam Singh Bala Chak (BC)

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