BC Punjabi Youth Killings- a serious issue
Why Punjabi youth is getting killed in BC?
Is it the gang war the main cause of youth killing or is there some forces internal or external involved in the youth killings?
Drugs and Crime are related but it is true worldwide including India and Punjab. Punjab youth is indulged in drugs same as rest of world like BC Canada.
But Punjabi youth in Punjab is not getting killed as in BC. Neither Punjabi youth is getting killed in Ontario nor rest of Canada.
Why BC Punjabi Youth is exception to Drug and Crime World. In past various task forces policies and plans were designed to fight with Drug and Crime situations in BC especially in Greater Vancouver and Fraser valley.
But all three levels of government failed to understand and stop the BC Punjabi Youth killings. Why BC Punjab Youth is exception to rest of Canada, rest of world and Punjab Youth.
What is special about BC Punjab Youth? Is the BC gang structure different from rest of Canada and World?
Why Law and Order agencies failed to understand and stop the BC Punjabi Youth killings? Is there a special interest agency involved in such killing which might be indirectly involved in killing or instigate the killings?
Do Canadian Law and Order agencies especially BC also sensing the involvement of foreign agency in such killings?
Is it possible that some foreign government or community or gang getting benefited from such BC Punjabi Youth killing?
May be there is no such foreign agency involved in these killings or may be it is involved but never been thought of!
BC Punjabi Youth Killing is a serious issue for BC community and Punjabi community. If this issue is not dealt seriously soon enough, it may plague the whole BC community and beyond.
The high level BC retired officials and BC community leaders and institutions including Punjabi Community must form a task force to look into the matter from grass roots level.
The role models of Punjab promotes peace, drug free, smoke free community in Punjab. Although Punjab is equally confronting with Youth Drug addiction, yet BC is confronting Youth Drug addiction and Killing problems.
BC drug crime situation is different from rest of world. Even Youth Drug Addiction and Crime is a serious issue worldwide, but BC Youth Drug Addiction is exceptional and unique.
Why it is unique from rest of Canada and World? Why BC Punjabi Youth is getting killed? Who is behind the killings- youth by itself or else!
This is part of puzzle for BC community, BC Punjabi community and BC government. BC Punjabi community is deeply concerned but there is no strong initiatives came forward from the community itself and neither from BC Punjabi Government officials.
Why Canada is quite on these killing? This question is making my thoughts more deeper and urging to think of an action rather than concerning thoughts.
What is solution to this situation? Youth education against drugs
Youth involvement in community services
Youth drug prevention programs
Youth drug intervention programs
The right solution involves everything and needs urgent actions from community and government!
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