Ik Oankaar SatGur Parsadh
One God realized with blessing of True Guru
Investment in any sector brings growth opportunities and change in lives of people.
Investment by others versus yourself. If other's invest in you, not only others benefit from it but yourself as well regardless it was part of your goal or not.
If investment is in line with goals then its power becomes multifold because anything we invest into with full dedication and interest brings results much much better than half hearted investment.
An investment made by self which is in line with one's goals with full dedication, passion and perseverance do bring fruitfull results.
The most wonderful investment one can ever make is investing in oneself which is in line with one's own goals with dedication, passion and perseverance results in outstanding outcomes unparallel to none and such investment produce leaders and champions.
Investing in one's health through nutritional foods, routine recreational excercises and sports, good spiritual and social literature, current employable academic skills through good parenting, schooling and community resources are vital for a healthy society.
Healthy parenting, schooling, community resources, health resources, fitness resources, nutritional diet, spiritual and social literature not only build healthy next generations but healthy families, communities and society.
Without self, family, community and spiritual investment one can't expect a healthy society which is inclusive in every aspect for growth of mankind (male and female in equal proportions).
Self investment, family investment, schooling investment, health investment, fitness investment, community investment and social investment is way more important than financial, commercial and business investments.
If any country which is growing in financial, commercial and business sectors without equally growing in self, family, schooling, health, fitness, community resources is bound to fail regardless of political, military and religious ideology.
Until humanity do not move forward with one common goal and ideology the humanity would remain suffering from humanity. No one is causing us more harm than our own sense of superiority to others, other country, other community, other ideology.
It is unfortunate enough that regardless of political, social, financial and religious ideology and system, the poor suffer in hands of greedy rich and governments and its statehood play a dirty role of watchdog. Even though one can say Europe and North America is in much better shape than rest of world but if we look at the direction of the progress of humanity it is a downhill trend which is suffocating the working class and small business class in the hands of more and more Millionaires, Billionaires and Trillionaires.........
Every government worldwide had failed to bridge this gap between poor and rich.
The world has enough resources that every family can be healthy, happy and prosperous provided the crooked and complex state laws worldwide needed to be abolished which protect wealthy to become more wealthy under every political, social, financial and religious ideologies and systems.
It is nature of human thinking, planning and lobbying to group together as one against others who are projected and pronounced as different. Which enables wealthy worldwide to manipulate political, finacial, social and religious ideology against each other and keep common humans engaged in such differential biases while these wealthy keep minting profits not only from these barriers of bias but within the non-biased sectors as well of humanity. Wealthy have power to manipulate political power, social power, financial power and religious power to create an atmosphere in which wealthy always flourish and mint profits. Even when people are sacrificing their lives on frontlines on the borders to defend their borders.
Your views are very welcomed at sweetcanada@gmail.com.