Loneliness: Powerful & Painful
Loneliness is very much relevant subject to human our consciouness but we hardly find time to think it, feel it and experience it.
Loneliness is a powerful tool that empower our conscious with possibilities of truth and possibilities to think, feel, touch and hold moments of truth which empower our consciousness.
Loneliness is a powerful tool of our consciousness which is real and reveal truth of life yet most smart and busy people never find time to explore it. Such a pity!
Loneliness is most painfull phenomena of our consciouness. If loneliness is forced on us, we go crazy and restless. It is imprisonment of our loneliness against our will. Contrary to that if I find a moment and think about loneliness and its benefits chances are I may revisit loneliness again and would spend more moments to learn about it. Slowly I won't be scared of the loneliness and would become friends with it. Certainly at some point in life I would be lowering all my defences against loneliness and would start my companionship with loneliness.
To be companion with loneliness is a blessing in disguise and a part of our destiny of our life.
Loneliness from rest of world for few moments, seconds, minutes, hours on daily basis is the most rewarding, fruitful, worthy and humble adventure of life.
The power of loneliness surpass power of light which is the finite in reality yet unachievable by human senses without scientific tools.
The power of loneliness in truth is the power of our consciousness and it outperform even the speed of light.
The power of our consciousness is so powerful that it can travel billions, trilions of light years (not years) in a single moment.
The power of our consciousness (power of loneliness) is so powerful that in a single moment it can travel from reality to truth. Every object, thought, feeling, concept, phenomena of natural forces, processes have a definite count by human senses. Human senses identify any thing or any one by the count of "One".
In real world everything starts from one. There is nothing in reality world which is zero. Yet in reality we use zero in our accounts. But keep in mind zero is not the first number in human counts. It is always "one" as the first number in human count.
Yet zero "0" is used in human count by human mind after number 9. Zero is a mystic, miraculous and magical number which is used by human mind very cleverly. Yet human mind do not give zero it's right place which is before One. Why?
The entire answer to loneliness and as a matter of fact the entire journey of loneliness originate in human mind which atarts its journey from one (reality of universes) and travel backwards from one towards zero.
Regardless of subject, the origin of any subject starts from zero but human reality consciousness does not register it, acknowledge it and authenticize it. There is nothing wring in it because subject of reality of human consciousness starts its origin from 1 and not 0. Even science is based on reality and not truth. Science also reveal, acknowledge, register and authenticise any phenomena, concept or outcome of any subject of reality by count of 1 (one). Zero is used in various contexts in any or all subjects of reality but as a fictioucious number. Zero is not a real number. Real numbers start from 1 to any limit of real numbers.
Zero starts finding its reality when mathematicians, scientists and engineers start their journey to divide 1 by bigger real numbers. Again they can find ways to go close to zero through various mathematical and computational divisional equations but no one can reach zero as final result of their divisional equation. If there is no limit to last real number in reality equally is true that there is no limit to last decimal number in reality. Yet in graphic world we start our count from zero as reference number whether it is 2D model or 3D model. In graphics world nothing starts as 1. Everything starts from reference point as 0.
It is a real world self contradiction of mathematical phenomena or concept but everyone ignores it and don't start argument or debate on it. Because what to talk about human mind even computer returns an error if any one try to divide 0 by 1. But we can not blame computers for that mistake. Why? Because computer programming is all based on our numeric mathematical system which uses 0 ficticiously to build a numeric mathematical system.
Computer do have an edge compared to human mind. Even though computer solve all our advance level calculations based on our numeric system of 1 to 10 and so on but it does not do its own calculations for finding results for human numeric system of 1 to 10. It is based on binary numbers and its all calculations are based on binary numbers which are later converted to numeric numbers.
I leave the rest upto you and like to conclude that tral world starts from 1 and true world starts from 0. Guru Nanak talks about true world and its importance in social, cultural and spiritual subworlds of the real world. Guru Nanak gave a unique perspective on power of truth in real world and revealed the reality of truth. Truth is higher than reality. What is Guru Nanak's definition of truth? It is not the same as in most conventional dictionaries. One has to dig deep in Sri Guru Granth Sahib and tey to explore the reality of truth and defination of truth. The Sikh or Khalsa spirit's miracle power lie in reality of truth and not in truth of reality. Rest is upto you to explore it.
Every religious philosophy reveal deeper knowledge of One supreme power but methods are different and yet goal is same to help mankind to learn, understand, feel, acknowledge and realise the reality of truth. You may stick to one philosophy or you may open your mind to all. Choice is yours! Good luck.