Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Human and Religion

It is very serious subject and religious people get offended very easily.
Human beings are so arrogant and dramatic, especially religious, that they wait for your tongue to slip a little so that they can hang you to death without any charge.
Most religious in look generally are most crooked in reality. Guru Naanak spent moat of his time to fix those crooks than naive.
Religion do have two aspects; Rituals and Morality. Crooks focus on rituals and naive focus on morality.
What is first; egg or chicken?
Most religious people spend their time to shuttle between ritual and morality, without reaching the conclusion! But they do punish lots of naive people for not following morality and rituals.
Religion is for morality and it is OK to be religious for rituals but only if you are true to morality.

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