Saturday, May 14, 2016


Words are 3D in nature

Apart from that:

It has power to learn
It has power to express
It has power to impress
It has power to confess
It has power to deliver
It has power to share
It has power to think
It has power to transfer
It has power to preserve
It has power to feel
It has power to imagine
It has power to deduce
It has power to induce
It has power to resolve
It has power to conclude
It has power to focus
It has power to quit
It has power to change
It has power to peace
It has power to team
It has power to produce
It has power to control
It has power to excite
It has power to broadcast
It has power to attract
It has power to action
It has power to win
It has power to joy
It has power to inform
It has power to convince
It has power to learn from past
It has power to think about future
It all happens by focusing on words in NOW

It has power of knowledge
It has power of information
It has power of imagination

Without focus mind wanders for eascape route
Without focus mind stays away from learning
Without focus mind daydream in past or future
Without focus mind never focus on present I.E. NOW.

Words impact mind only when focused in Now phase.

Mind can focus only on three phases: Past Present and Future

There are two types of past and future and only one Now.

Past means no 1 History
Past means no 2 daydreaming in past
Future means no 1 Unknown but evident
Future means no 2 daydreaming in future

Both no 2s are problematic and distractions if mind stays normally in either of phase without the help of Now.

Only Now is real and true which is momentarily in nature and changes every moment into past.

Only Now has power of New
Only Now has power of News
Only Now has power to change
Only Now has power to progress
Only Now has power to destined
Only Now has power to create

Past and future are for reference only so that mind can conclude useful and meaningful information from past and future provided it is focused in Now.

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