Tuesday, April 28, 2015

No J

No J

For Gurmukh there is No J.
J in Gurmukhi means If or But.

Gurmukh believes in will of True Master-TrueGod-WaheGuru-TrueAllah-TrueRaam and accept it AS IS.
Gurmukh is firm believer in TrueGod-WaheGuru-TrueAllah-TrueRaam as only and only One.
Gurmukh is firm believer in TrueGuru.
Gurmukh is committed to TrueGuru.
Gurmukh is in service of TrueGuru by learning through Gurus-Words.
Gurmukh is acting in discipline.
Gurmukh is soaked in Gurus-Words.
Gurmukh is content with honest earning.
Gurmukh is content with honest living.
Gurmukh is content in company of TrueGuru.
Gurmukh is content in company of TrueGuru along with other Gurmukhs.
Gurmukh is in prayer all the time to TrueGod-WaheGuru-TrueAllah-TrueRaam.
Gurmukh is reciting all the time the Name of TrueGod-WaheGuru-TrueAllah.
Gurmukh is reciting words of TrueGuru.
TrueGuru has no form or body.
TrueGuru is words of TrueGod-WaheGuru-TrueAllah-TrueRaam.
TrueGuru is connection between Gurmukh and TrueGod-WaheGuru-TrueAllah-TrueRaam.
Gurmukh keeps in touch with TrueGuru to remember TrueGod-WaheGuru-TrueAllah-TrueRaam.
Guru Naanak enlightens through TrueGuru.
Guru Naanak transcends in twelve forms.
Guru Naanak transcends in form of ten Gurus.
Guru Naanak transcends in form of Panj-Piaraye-Five-Beloved.
Guru Naanak transcends in form of Shri Guru Granth Sahib.
Guru Naanak is always in Gurmukhs mind.
Gurmukh always Awake.
Gurmukh resembles Guru.
TrueGuru appears through Gurus.
TrueGod-WaheGuru-TrueAllah-TrueRaam appears through TrueGuru.

Gurmukh remains busy in His memory and recites His Name and follow TrueGuru for constant learning of His Will.

Gurmukh does daily chores of household and of life and fulfil family and personal commitments. Gurmukh looks no different than an ordinary person.

A Gurmukh is a GurSikh.
A Gurmukh is a Sikh.
A Gurmukh is a Singh.
A Gurmukh is a Kaur.
A Gurmukh is a Khalsa.
A Gurmukh is a family person.
A Gurmukh is an ordinary worker.
A Gurmukh is a business person.
A Gurmukh is a Saint-Soldier.
A Gurmukh is a believer in TrueGod-WaheGuru-TrueAllah-TrueRaam.
A Gurmukh is a Committed-Sikh of TrueGuru.

Saturday, April 18, 2015



Khalsa is the lifestyle of a Sikh.
Khalsa is the culture of freedom from
   Self vices and social vices (evils)
Khalsa is state of mind, free from
   fear and free from enmity.
Khalsa is purity of thoughts and
Khalsa is Sanity. Serenity,
   Transparency of mind
Khalsa is fear free from social evils
   and rituals and openly fight wrong
   practices of religions by role
   modelling and sharing good
Khalsa is Saint-Soldier and practice
   Truthfulness of True and
   understand reality of world is
   illusional and opposite to Truth
Khalsa lives in physical reality as
   well lives in mental Truthfulness
Khalsa is respectful to nature and
   natural practices
Khalsa is respectful to
   human beings,
   human beliefs,
   human practices
Khalsa is open school of thought
   for complete freedom from
   negative Attitude, negative
   behaviour and negative habits
Khalsa is democratic and respect
   freedom of others and defend
   freedom of others and self
Khalsa is my desire
Khalsa is my hope
Khalsa is blessed only by True Guru
Khalsa is delight of WaheGuru
Khalsa belong to WaheGuru-True God
Khalsa is victory to WaheGuru-True God

Happy Khalsa Day to Everyone.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Canadian Volunteers in Surrey BC

Canadian Volunteers in Surrey BC

International Volunteering
National Volunteering
Local Volunteering
Community Volunteering

Surrey resident Raghbir Singh Bains been awarded volunteer award by Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, of Canada.
Congratulations to Mr Bain For his volunteer contribution to Surrey, BC and international contribution.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A-K-K-A Aapae Karae Karaae Aapae

SGGS0125 Page 125 of Shri Guru Granth Sahib
{Aapae Karae Karae Aapae II}

Aapae: He (True God) Himself
Karae: Does
Karaae: Get it done
Meaning: The True God do everything by Himself and also get things done from us. The thoughts and actions of human being are controlled by The True God. In other words what we think we have done, doing and will do is simply a illusion of our mind. He himself control our thoughts and actions. In other words He is our commander and we are His soldiers and our job is to take the command and act accordingly without manipulating the command.