Saturday, April 18, 2015



Khalsa is the lifestyle of a Sikh.
Khalsa is the culture of freedom from
   Self vices and social vices (evils)
Khalsa is state of mind, free from
   fear and free from enmity.
Khalsa is purity of thoughts and
Khalsa is Sanity. Serenity,
   Transparency of mind
Khalsa is fear free from social evils
   and rituals and openly fight wrong
   practices of religions by role
   modelling and sharing good
Khalsa is Saint-Soldier and practice
   Truthfulness of True and
   understand reality of world is
   illusional and opposite to Truth
Khalsa lives in physical reality as
   well lives in mental Truthfulness
Khalsa is respectful to nature and
   natural practices
Khalsa is respectful to
   human beings,
   human beliefs,
   human practices
Khalsa is open school of thought
   for complete freedom from
   negative Attitude, negative
   behaviour and negative habits
Khalsa is democratic and respect
   freedom of others and defend
   freedom of others and self
Khalsa is my desire
Khalsa is my hope
Khalsa is blessed only by True Guru
Khalsa is delight of WaheGuru
Khalsa belong to WaheGuru-True God
Khalsa is victory to WaheGuru-True God

Happy Khalsa Day to Everyone.

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