It may sound silly or unconventional, but it is a simple truth about healthy body and healthy mind.
It is a powerful statement which can be proven to be true. As a matter of fact, this statement is secret to successful healthy life for self and others.
Very few people or families have abundance of money. In general we all have monthly budget to work with.
So in order to judge once's lifestyle we can fillow the following rule:
A person or family with budget, generally spend in following categories;
Latest Jewellery, Clothing, Makeup
Latest vehicle better than friends
Latest household gadgets better than friends and relatives.
A house better than friends and relatives
Socializing in clubs and parties with friends, colleagues, relatives.
Prefer dining out than cooking at home.
Out door recreational activities for personal and family pleasure.
It is a guarantee that such people believe in more show off and as a result are left with little time and budget for investing in good food, good books to read.
We all are different and have different priorities. When it comes to budget, we certainly have some of the above priorities, if not all.
Biggest mistake we make is prioritising on every thing other than good physical and mental health. Which comes from good food, good excercise and good books.
Good food is not as expensive as dining out but certainly expensive than junk food. Either good excercise or good reading are not expensive but require desire, interest and routine time to accomplish it.
Such persons or families definitely won't be often found neither in expensive homes, clubs, restaurants, shopping malls nor in latest expensive cars.
Their priority is personal and family good physical and mental health. Their budget is prioritise on good food, excercise and books. Rest of needs of life are taken as secondary needs.
Such people are treasure to any community and nation. We not only prioritise our life needs in contrast to those in some or all above said priorities but further waste time, energy and health by intoxicating our body with alcohols, tobacco, marijuana, ill-legal drugs, cigarettes.
Even though it sounds soithing and satisfying to our minds but in reality we lose our sanity and purpose of life. It never brings peace, stability and wisdom in our lives. It ends up in false pride, ego and results in waste of time, energy, budget.
We end up in more health issues, mental issues, work issues, relationship issues, famiky issues than those who spend more on good food, excercise and books. They have simple and decent lifestyle, living and thinking. Their life is not glittering and glamouress but stable, harmonoius, peaceful, joyful and purposeful.
It is in benefit to all of us. But it is up to us. What lifestyle we want to choose. Glitterous or Joyful.
Change your priorities and it will change you in a better person; full of joy of life, creative and positive thoughts, pleasureable company and family, contentment of actions, fulfillment of purpose , peace and success in every field of life.
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