Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Religious and Practice

Religious and Practice

Religious: State of mind when we learn by listening and reading virtues of religion by self reading or listening to scholars of religion.
Basic Religious Virtues:
R1 Believe in One God
R2 Believe in Truth
R3 Believe God controls everything
R4 God is Fearless and expect us to 
      be fearless
Practice: State of mind when we think and act based on what we have learned from Religion. In nut shell it is humble practice of religious virtues. Mostly basic religious virtues are similar and might have deviation at advance level.
Basic Practice of Virtues:
P1: Dont believe in human theories
P2: Practice Truth
P3: Practice your belief that God does everything. It means no one has power to change what is happening and going to happen. It means dont believe in astrolgers, palmist, cult science, black magic, psychics and religious Masters, Babas, Pundits, Tantric and so on.
P4: Practice Fearlessness. It means never intimidate
P5: Biaslessness: Treat everyone equal. Disregard color, caste, race, ethnicity, gender, status and so on.
P6: Company those who are Biasless and Fearless or atleast practicing it.

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