Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Bhulekha Doubt

We all live in doubts. When a wise person meet us we realise our doubts. Sat Guru finishes all doubts of life and give us understanding of our wrongs and rights.

Sahsaa Dochithee Restlessness

When we are under deadlines of certain promises which fail to accomplish under timeline, we get worried, stressed and pressured for two reasons; One we dont see any clear path to fulfill our promises in time and secondly the other person starts doubting your intentions and start losing faith in you. You feel facing a double edge sword, on one side it hurts you personally for failing to accomplish and on other side it hurts you when your loved one start doubting your intentions and losing faith in you. Love, Faith, Confidence, Belief are progressive feelings which keep on getting stronger for person in mind with time for our successful promises and weaker for our failure to keep our promises.

Same is true for ourself for our love, faith, confidence and belief in God. When positive things happen in life our belief gets stronger and when negative things happen in life our belief gets weaker. Our faith and confidence starts dwindling, stumbling and shattering. 

What is God and Faith

God is the power, strength, hope, possobility, positivity. Life is nothing but minds game. As long as our mind keep active in real time focusing on our vision, targets, goals, promises and keep on planning positive posibilities with reasonable actions our will, confidence, determination, faith and belief in ourself remains positive. As long as we are positive we accomplish things in our real time. When we accomplish during real time, our mind keep us focused on our vision, goals, promises to accomplish them through positive plans and positive actions. Our mind acts simultaneously in three directions (dimensions); 1st in real time (now/present) to keep eye on our planned actions and real time progress; 2nd risk evaluation based on past experience stored in our memory; 3rd desired results in near future based on our action plan and push us through hurdles, tough time, difficuilties, impossiblitities and keep our will, confidence, faith strong in our belief, promises and fuel our desire to accomplish our commitment to ourselves or others.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Thoughts and Actions

Thoughts and Actions

These are two activities which are most important aspect of human being. 
Thoughts are invisible and within the individual mind until it is expressed or exhibited in some manner of actions.
Human actions have no limit and every human being accomplish millions of actions in life time. 
Human thoughts and actions are choice based whereas body function is perpetual in nature. In other words, body basic conscious (senses), brain function, memory function, manipulation and thought processing, thought conversion to action, thought induction and action induction process, breathing cycle, blood cycle, digestion cycle, organ functions are all automatic functions. Whether human being want to think or not and act or not is optional and upto human being.

Human beings first learn from others, books, observation and experience. Later s/he either follow others or do its own or combination of both. 

There is one more thing between automatic body functions and choice of thoughts and actions. In other words, each human being has three basic things to rely upon. 
1 Body's and Brain's Automatic 
2 Human Mind's Thought Induction
   and Action Induction
3 In between above two is mind 
   state and environment state at 
   time of birth and its continous 
   effect throughtout the life.

New topic:
Promises Possibilities and Deadlines

Sunday, October 27, 2019

I am proud to be Sikh

I am proud to be Sikh

I am proud to be Sikh because

Sikhs believe in One God
Sikhs believe in Humanity
Sikhs respect other beliefs
Guru Teg Bahadur sacrificed life for protection of Hinduism even though Guru Nanak refused to be baptised as Hindu.
Guru Arjan Dev sacrificed life for belief in One God and refused to become Muslim yet Gurus respect all religions.
Guru Nanak Sahib transferred Guruship to Guru Angad Sahib by himself and bowed in front of new Guru as respect.
Guru Gobind Singh finished race, caste, color, language difference and officially declared that all humans are equal. Guru Gobind Singh finished gender inequality and declared both genders are equal. (When five beloved were declared as Singhs and equal regardless of their class, color, language and officially baptised by sharing same amrit that prepared by a female, Mata Sahib Kaur. Guru Gobind Singh further break chains of social and cultural slavery for woman by giving special last name as Kaur to all woman. 
Guru Gobind Singh break all chains of social and cultural inequality of humans by giving them two distinct last names: to males as SINGH and to females as KAUR. 
Guru Gobind Singh himself requested to Five Beloved Singhs with due respect to offer them title of Singh.
It was a charismatic and blissful moments when Guru himself requested to his five disciples to bless him with name as Gobind Singh from Gobind Rai.
That moments were moments of complete democracy, humbleness, biaslessness, fearlessness, equality of humanity and gender (yet genders guven distinct names as SINGH and KAUR).
This is called real democractic, fair, transparent, free, biasfree, fearfree authority to common people. Guru Gobind Rai became sixth SINGH after getting blessed by Five Beloved Singhs of Guru Govind Rai.

Unlike in current polotical world, political leaders play all tricks behind doors and have no respect for transparency, morality and ethics.

Guru Nanak's philosophy and preaching about God and humanity is distinct from previous religious beliefs simpky because he refused to be baptised as Hindu and preached to Sidhs, Budhs, Jains, Hindus, Muslims and others. Guru Nanak preached about One God like Islam and Christianity and One God's Order and Will. 
Guru Nanak denounced all religious practices which were followed by people out of fear. Guru Nanak denounced malpractices of religious priests who themselves leads life of hypocrisy. He striked very hard on malpractices of Mullahs, Kajis, Pundits, Pandas, Sidhs, Budhs, Jains priests. 
Guru Nanak preached One God who is merciful, caring, loving and care taker of all creation. One should pray to One God who is true, creater and doer, without fear, without bias, eternal, without gender and present everywhere and in everything. Such understanding is blessed through a rue Guru.

Sikhism is all about understanding One God, His Order, His Will, His Power, His attributes (qualities) through a true Guru. Further all Sikhs (Seeker of Truth of One God) must serve true Guru to gain knowledge, understanding of One God and about weaknesses and strengths of themselves. Further Guru Nanak preached Sikhs must discipline their live according to true Guru's advice and remain under guudance of true Guru until realised One God and falls in sanctuary of One God.

Sikhs must take spiritual guidance from Guru and social guidance from Five Beloved. Five beloved could be combination of five singhs and kaurs. Unlike 2/3 majority modern theory, Sikhs follow only to consensus reached between five Singhs/Kaurs. Only those resolutions are supposed to be followed by Sikhs which are concensed by five beloved in line with Shri Guru Granth Sahib's principles.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Guru Nanak's 550th anniversary Celebration worldwide

Guru Nanak's 550th Anniversary Celebration Worldwide.

Guru Nanak's phislosophy is unique and for every human being. 

All educated people must read it. But go deep or dig deep and you will find answers to your complex emotions, tough decisions and complex complications of life.

In near future, I would share some online resources for your reference. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

C-21 Quebec

C-21 Quebec

An Act for respecting the laicity of state.

According to this act, there would be equality between genders. Hijab and Nikab would be prohibited to serve or use public services in Quebec. No religious symbol would be allowed while working in any government position. There is mention about weapon as well.

Charter of rights and freedom would be altered.

Under such new act and law, Sikhs would be affected as well. Sikhs has two visible symbols: Karra and Kirpan. Turban certainly becomes questionable if hijab is. 

But Hijab and Turban have its distinct aspects. Hijab is for woman only. But turban is for man and woman and does not fit in act's rationale of creating gender equality. 

Moreover turban is a traditional attire that is used worldwide regardless of religion. It is not religious symbol for lot of communities. Like Rajpoots in Rajasthan, Muslims in Saudi Arab and other places, African women also seen wearing turban. So banning turban under this act is unconstitutional and against charter of human rights and freedom. Even use of turban under new laicity act is justifiable because Sikh man and woman both wear turban, hence do not create gender inequality. Turban is part of human clothing requirement and not merely a symbol. If turban is targeted under new act then certainly it challenges charter of human rights and freedom.

Karra and Kirpan would be a seperate issue but again it does not challenge gender equality. Because both Sikh man and woman wear Karra and Kirpan. 

So Sikhs equally would face difficult time in Quebec to serve in any government positions and they might have to challenge the new act to make accomodations in the new act.
As armed forces when entering court or parliament are required to deposit their weapons before entering and special safe place is arranged for deposit Sikhs may agree to the same provided Akal Takht Sahib approve it. Chances are slim and near to zero. It means Quebec would find itself in tough position to impose it on Sikhs.

Contrary to above is matter of Hijab and Nikab. If only woman is required to wear it and not man then it really make it hard to challenge the new act. 

As far Karra is concerned, if woman would be allowed to wear any jewelry under this act then Karra would equally be allowed.

Guru Gobind Singh himself denounced the use of religious symbols. As we know Guru Sahib says:
Kahoo Lai Paahan Pooj Dhharraeo Sir Kahoo Lai Ling Garae Latkaio 

Guru Nanak Sahib also denounced Hindu baptism symbol of sacred thread and refused to wear it.

Thag na indri Thag na nari

Sunday, October 20, 2019



Heart is a pumping machine which keep us going as long as breathing is intact and brain is not dead.

Heart has a rhythm and systematic function. Attached to heart are our arteries as supplier of fresh blood to cells and veins as receiver of used blood from cells. 

Fresh blood is full of oxygen, vitamin D and nutrients extracted from food and water. 

Used blood is full of CO2 and nutrient waste which is replenished by sending used blood through lungs to refill with Oxygen and cleaning CO2, and by sending blood through complex system of digestive system.

In nut shell, Fresh blood is full of energy and used blood is full of waste.

Why heart start getting more pressure as we age. Why do blood pressure starts increasing as we age. Of course, more salt in food would increase it and more fat in food would also increase it due to restrictions in blood vessels.

So we start finding uneasiness or feeling of something wrong in us and we consult our doctor for it. Doctor do some test and then prescribe medication based on severity of problem. Doctor also suggest that you must take medicine on time, cut or stop on certain food intake and change your lifestyle by adding more activities like regular excercise.

We start taking our medicine, certain food intake is either restricted or stopped at all, alcohol restriction, salt restriction, fat restriction starts taking priority in our daily routines. We also buy track suit and running shoes and start walking, jogging or join gym.

Eventually majority of us do everything except doing excercise or not enough excercise. Diet control becomes part of daily debate.
Those who are focused and control all activities bring positive change in their body but majority fails in coping us with new life style and daily routine change. Why because they want to die of heart attack? No! No! No!

Simply because they don't know what is going inside and why they should bring positive change in themselves.

Very important: When we age our weight may go over board or our activities may down or our stress level goes sky rocketing due to work or family circumstances or due to lack of knowledge of ourself and how our body system works.

As we age, we get busy in family and at work. Stress, weight, wrong diet keep on increasing and muscle movement keep on decreasing.

Our arteries and veins, carrier of blood, starts getting restricted due to colestrol ànd constricted due to less blood demand by muscle cells. Our movement in daily life goes down because we sit or stand in certain position at work and then get stuck in couch at our home. Our muscles which require certain movement daily start getting jammed. Some muscle movements are hardly used enough. So blood flow keeps on going down in those muscle cells. 
Even if you have no colestrol, lack of certain muscle movement causes less blood flow in those muscles and worse case may stop at all. If 50% of our body muscle cells stop asking for food means they don't want blood supply because those muscles are not in use and eventually 50% blood supply would be out of commission which was resquired for those muscles which were active when we were busy playing and running around. 
Heart does not slow down in pumping. Just imagine what would happen to that 50% blood supply. We can't take it out either. It means it gets restricted in those blood circuits and it tries to push extra blood through active blood circuits. It means active blood circuit supply keep on increasing in flow  but those circuits try to push back that extra blood. As a result to make that blocked or slowed down circuits start working again the heart try to pump hard which increases the pressure in our arteries. 

So there may no colestrol, no over weight but restricted muscle movement asks for less blood and blood becomes surplus in the circuit.

Saturday, October 19, 2019




School Time:
As a teenager: Full time
As a adult: Morning and Evening
       Nitname, Japji Sahib, Jaap 
       Sahib, Chaupyee, Savyiae, Anand 
       Rehras, Anand Sahib, Keertan 

School Purpose:
        To develop school of thought of 
         its own based on learning and 
         self conception. It is higher 
         learning of self, nature, 
         universe and creator of all. Finding one's own believes:
         Religious belief (social belief)+
         Political belief (lifestyle belief)+
         Spiritual belief (self belief)+
         True belief (Har belief)
         = Faith
Finding True Knowledge: 
         Self knowledge of existence, 
         purpose of existence, rules of 
         existence (rights and 
         knowledge of choices and 
         consequences (choose to 
         shape attitude, behaviour and 
         habits) and analyse cause and 
         effects of choices on our body, 
         mind, soul, family, 
         neighbourhood and society.
Shaping Surath, Math, Man, Budh:
         Every child get a starting point 
         as self perception, genetics, 
         heritence, focus of developing, 
         developing peace, 
         contentment, bliss through 
         disciplined life.
Starting and ending points of life:
         Life starts at various points for
         individual souls ranging upto 
         8.4 million cycles of birth on 
         earth. Within domain of human 
         life every human soul has 
         different starting points and exhibits in form genetics, heritence, ancestry, wisdom, knowledge, practices, level of fearlessness and biaslessness, discipline level, peer groups, volunteerism, mission and vision of life, school, teacher, professor, mentor, role model, self concept, self belief, political belief, religious belief, working belief.
Even tough everyone has different starting point (as a matter of fact unique starting point) but everyone have only one ending point of life.
For simplicity, let's focus on human domain. It is one of the 8.4 million choices. So let's assume 8.4 M - 1 = non human spices domain and it is evolution face of life. From very primitive phase to most advanced matured phase is a journey of soul fir millions and millions of years. Until at the end the soul enters the human phase. Human phase itself has a wide domain. Which is evident from looking at almost 8 billion human souls on earth at present. Every human soul's starting point is as unique as their physical appearance. Unique physical appearance do not necessarily corresponds to Unique soul appearance. In other words a unique physically weak, sick, poor, body might have very strong, fearless, biasless Unique soul. In other words such person might be considered by conventional human wisdom as a very lowly human being but the soul be very close to end point of its destination.

In other words, 8.4th million reincarnation cycles of soul might get you human form but within human form there might be equal number of reincarnation cycles before reaching the final end point of life. So life cycle might be considered as (8.4 M - 1) + (8.4 M -1) = Starting points of a soul in which (8.4 M - 1) are non human form soul's starting points and (8.4 M - 1) are human form soul's starting point. The ( - 1) in (8.4 M - 1) represent the last starting point before the end point. Or runners up the final end point. 

Let's assume that a soul in human form is at the runners up end point stage. Does it mean that it is guaranteed for that soul to reach end point after runners up end point. Yes if it moves forward but there are two other possibilities: one soul may not move at all and stays at its starting point or move backwards.
If soul moves backward then who knows how far back it would move. What would be the main reason for such a wonderful, clean, close to pure soul starting move backwards. Only one reason is possible: the subtle form of ego or arrogance that taints this soul that I am so pure and about to merge with The Param Soul (Param Atama).
If soul didn't move at all and remained the same then it means soul has no ego or arrogance and simply waiting for green light from house of Param Atama to enter.

In other words a soul at runners up end point is pure soul and eventually would merge in ParamAtama once signalled by ParamAtama. Or it means ParamAtama has final discretion of allowing pure soul to enter the Sachkhand (True Zone). 

Future belong to Nationalists and not Globalists

pres Trump

How Dare You

How Dare You

Dr Papilana

#Me Too

Ethics and Politics

Ethics and Politics

Political Party Agenda
Political Party Performance
Leader Agenda



Input Output and waste

Simplicity is the best policy

Simplicity is the best policy

It is so true. Simplicity is the best policy and rest is wastage of time, resources and efforts regardless of the ceremony, event or function type.

Here I just attended the engagement ceremony function at Gurudwara Sukh Sagar Sahib, New Westminster, BC, Canada. Even the best part of ceremony was when engagement couple did kirtan together during their own ceremony. This the best state of bliss of Guru and Waheguru.

Good Food Desire

Good food is desired by most of us for sure but also by this seagull.

Nijh Ghar Vaasa

Nijh Ghar Vaasa

First and Last wish of a Sikh.

Wish that came true

Wish that Came True

The money plants A n the picture had been with us for less than six months. Whereas the money plany A is with us for more than 3 years. I placed plant A in my own washroom. It never grew to next level. It had five leaves from beginning and til July 2019 it still had same old five leaves. Out of blue my attention went to it in early July 2019 and made me wander why in last three years not even a single new leave had came out! Somehow my inner voice said to it please grow. I was always watering it but now onwards I started watering with a hope of seeing new leaves. In recent spring my wife did put second money plant B in same washroom. It also coincidently had five original leaves.

To my astonishment, in August both plants grew to next level. Plant A has seven leaves and plant B has eight leaves. What brought that change is unknown to me. All I know I wished for both plants to grow. So either it is coincidence or some hidden science? Either way I am happy that my wish came true for both plants. Wishing prosperity for others is a good virtue!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Japji Sahib

Japji Sahib

Guru Nanak Sahib explains the eternal power, the one supreme Master, to humanity without any fear and bias. He denounced the wrong practices of various religions and travelled all across India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arab to preach about right thought of school and right practices. He debated with scholars of various religions including Islam, Sanatan, Sidhas, Budhas, Soofis and so on.

Guru Nanak Sahib's first writing is called Japji Sahib. It consists of Fundamental definition of God in first paragraph. Then there are 38 paragraphs that explains eternity and origin of universe. Last paragraph is again about continuity of very first paragraph explaining relation of nature with humanity.

Pawan Guru Paani Pita Maata Dhharath Mahat II

The last paragraph is called Salok. In this paragraph Guru Nanak Sahib concluded the nature's job and human's purpose, Har's system, Human's possible choices and actions, Human's entanglement and liberation from human being.

As we know mother give birth to child with conception from father and then child goes to school and learn from teacher and then he/she live in society and act in good or bad manners. We know good people get appreciated when noticed and bad people are punished when caught. So their life is concluded based on thier thoughts and actions. 

Similarly Guru Nanak Sahib says: In wider picture of Har's Order and Har's Nature have following relation with human mind.
The air (cosmic) is the Teacher of Human Mind.
The water is the Father of Human Mind.
The Earth is the Mother of Human Mind.
The Day (Sun) is the midwife of Human Mind.
The Night (Moon) is the maid of Human Mind.
Such protocol of Har is prevalent through out the world. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Working on a Philosophy Re: Introducing Beautification As Healing Modality

12 Virtues Introduced by Aristotle – the master of those who know

Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher, a student of Plato who was responsible for major contributions for metaphysics to ethics, aesthetics and politics.  He believed that the function of a human was to engage in an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue.   Aristotle thought that there were two overriding virtues, intellectual and moral.  The intellectual virtues he claimed were acquired by inheritance and education and the moral ones through the imitation of practice and habit.  The highest virtue, according to Aristotle was intellectual contemplation. In addition, there are an additional 12 virtues that can also be attributed to Aristotle and they are as follows:  

1) Courage – bravery and valor

2) Temperance – self-control and restraint

 3) Liberality – bigheartness, charity and generosity  

 4) Magnificence – radiance, joie de vivre

  5) Pride – self-satisfaction

6) Honor – respect, reverence, admiration  

 7) Good Temper – equanimity, level headedness

8) Friendliness – conviviality and sociability

 9) Truthfulness – straightforwardness, frankness and candor

10) Wit – sense of humor – meaninglessness and absurdity  

11) Friendship – camaraderie and companionship

12) Justice – impartiality, evenhandedness and fairness

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Guru Nanak

Guru Nanak

Guru Nanak's philosophy has many facets. It includes power and weaknesses of human mind, power and system of One Supreme Master, relation between Atam and ParamAtam, Lifestyle of Gursikh, thought cycle of Manmukh...

One of them is power of information, knowledge through words. Power of words of God and True Guru. Even tough word's power have taken civilization, industry and academics to new heights, yet communication and availability of information also has reached new heights.

Average person has power to connect to people worldwide online and information of choice. TV, radio, newspaper, magazine were one of the greatest sources of information for average person but it was censored, timed and channelled information. World wide Web (WWW) online has broken the limitation of censored, timed and channelled information and provide information as it happens, uncensored and unchannelled. Even tough news agencies and government's still find ways to censor, time and channel news but if it is a public news it comes to world in no time. Public have become self reporters and self publishers and under most circumstances broadcast live information through YouTube and other social media.

Benefits of online uncensored and untimed and unchanneled information is their due to world wide web.

But how it happened and what force and technology is behind this world wide web. Even further what is the real relation between mind and information and it's impact on human personality and conduct.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Ghar ka bhaedhi Lanka Dhhahae


Arrogance vs illiteracy

Arrogance and Illiteracy

Both goes hand on hand. We don't know the bigger picture of humanity. Neither we know or understand Will and Order of The One Supreme Master called as God, Allah, Waheguru, Bhagwan and so on.

Guru Nanak Sahib explains that The One Supreme Master is master of all and He has many names. One of the common name that comes repeatedly in Shri Guru Granth Sahib is Har. I personally like this name of God. Perhaps that is the reason that in 1994, we named our first son as Harsimran Singh and second child as Harman Singh. Har is a very short name and fits well for repeated use in any types of writing regarding Har. It is noun and pronoun and doesn't need to be changed. As we use his and her for gender differentiation and repeated use in most writings or speeches.

Har is noun and Har is pronoun. So now onwards you will see me using it everywhere so kindly understand my take on it.

Har is only and only One and Har has many names like God, Allah, Bhagwan. For definition of God, Allah, Bhagwan, Waheguru you may refer to Holy Bible, Pak Quran, Shri Vedas and Shri Guru Granth Sahib.

To me Holy, Pak and Shri all three are very important words. These represent truth of God, Allah, Bhagwan, Waheguru. How much truth is discovered by Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs it depends how deep they have dived into the truth and their depth is reflected to others by their personalities. One of the strongest aspect of personality is human character.

Common person has no knowledge of Holy Bible's, Pak Quran's, Shri Veda's and Shri Guru Granth Sahib's real message and eleborate knowledge. What ever is presented to them by religious leaders/saints they tend to believe in it as per their own understanding which also varies from person to person. Same message read by priest may have different meaning and understanding for different common people. They practice as they understand. Generally people lack in practice what they understand from their religious priests.

And don't worry again, to me priest means Pastor, Mullah, Pundit, Panda, Sidha, Budha, Sant, Giani and so on.

Life choices

Life choices

Choices are what we excercise to do any action. Some we do and some we don't.

As per Guru Nanak Sahib everything and everyone is under the commanding order of one supreme Master.

So one of the debate able matter is whether we make choices or choices are also made by Supreme Master.

Finding bigger picture of our destiny is not possible. We don't know what would happen in future but next step or next moment is quite predictable.

Even tough choice is at the discretion of our mind/soul but issue is our choices might be wrong for us at the end.

Due to such reason Guru Nanak Sahib want us to understand our choices and it's consequences.

ManMath and Gurmath are two choices one can make. Both works.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

LAW of Life


Law is law but I am talking about different LAW: Light Air and Water. All three are essential part for life as essential as Food.

Without light we would freeze to death. Without Air we would suffocate to death. Without water we would thirst to death. Without food we would starve to death.

Law of three:
Three minutes without Air
Three days without Water
Three weeks without Food
Three ? without Light

Light is least we talk about when talk about survivability.

How many months or years could we survive without light?

Here are some important facts about life without light and with light.

I found one article on labroots.com dated JUN 18, 2017 written by Xuan Pham under following heading: How Long Can You Live Without Sunlight?

We know sun's UV rays are consider d villain for skin cancer. What would happen if we avoid sunlight?

No sunlight means little vitamin D in our body. Vitamin D is required to absords lots of minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium etc. Without calcium and other minerals our bones can get weak and may cause various health issues. Depression is a other mental illness which may trigger easily without enough sunlight. Circadian rhythm also get effected which may cause sleep disorders. Our blood cells, muscles and immune system can also be affected by lack of sunlight. 


Family Household Expense

Family Household Expense

It is a one of the biggest factor other than family values. Family Household Expense is such a factor which may bring harmony in family or disharmony in family. Balancing family budget which is acceptable to all is a challenging job. Because every one has their own lifestyle which which do effect family budget. Finding common ground for balanced budget is an art and a skill which not every family have it. Moreover within family there has to be one financial leader who create a family budget.
In modern days, family budget has less challenges on one hand and more on other. Modern families are turning into nuclear families which are smaller in size and technically only husband and wife are main members apart from kids.

But new commodity and service market has so much in market to buy that there are good chances for average consumer to go over budget. Three things creates over budget situations;
1 Standard of living
2 Persuasive ads on TV, radio, social media which excite consumer for new features and new innovations in consumer market.
3 Credit cards create false sense of funds availability.

All three have persuasive impact on consumer. Apart from three, loss of job or loss of health can have also devastating effect.

Families with balanced budget and substantial savings are happy and less stressed families.

Family Values and Family Budget both goes hand in hand and slowly family budget takes over family values.

Family values are basically aggregate of individual family members values and their respect for each others views and feelings.

Certainly a family in deficit family budget can't be free of stress, anxiety, worries and tense family atmosphere. Members might carry grudge, resentment against each other for not understanding their needs and feelings. Even tough feelings are not on sale in market and neither do in family, yet unfulfilled needs trigger negative moods which effects feelings directly or indirectly.
Our fulfilled needs may not trigger any positive feelings but unfulfilled needs do trigger negative feelings like; no one care about me, no one understand my needs, why I have to pay for others needs and so on; which results in snubbed individual attitude and behaviour. If it is left unattended for long, an individual may burst and blame either oneself or others for such tensed atmosphere. If one blame oneself then he/she may start getting stressed, anger outburst, mood swings and ultimately chronic depression; which means lack of interest in daily activities, family, friends, colleagues, work, school and in any pleasure activities.

If it is against others, then one may start disrespecting others or start planning one's life own ways. He/she may be considered rebillion within the family to start with and may effect one's family, work and social life.

Any any circumstances, unbalanced budget of an individual or a family is not a healthy thing. It is warning signs for an individual or family. Whether one is not earning enough or spending too much either to cope up with standard of living or due to lack of knowledge, the end result is either self depression or break in relations.

Now a days the real estate and coat of living in Canada and worldwide has gone so high that society will slowly change its definition of standard if living and family values. Leaving parent's home at 18 is not an option anymore for most young Canadians. Atleast it is more challenging if not impossible all together. Focusing on higher studies and skills is a must for young adults. Otherwise Canada is getting flooded with labour every day and competing with immigrant labour by a Canadian labour is very challenging and disheartening. So only option is to study hard and in time without wasting time, resources and energy before it is too late.

Guru Nanak emphasized in fifteenth century on the power of words i.e. literacy to understand yourself, others and nature. Without knowing oneself one may not find happiness regardless of balanced budget, sufficient income and happy family. Either because of under budget or over budget, one can be lost in complex world of needs and wants and may end choosing wrong path. Staying on right path in life is important and their is no self help manual which may help an individual to get back on track. Guru Nanak philosophy of life is very rich source of wisdom manual for success and happiness.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Power of P

Power of P


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Why Religion

Why Religion

Guru Nanak advised both Hindu and Muslim as Sikhs to stop unfruitful rituals and focus on the name of Supreme Master; Har, God, Allah, Bhagwan. Many Hindus and Muslims got impressed by philosophy of Guru Nanak regarding true worship of Har and became Sikhs.

Guru Nanak refused to get baptised as Hindu when his parent's arranged usual ceremony of Hindu baptism. When Pundit (Hindu Brahmin priest) tried to put a holy baptism thread on his body to start Hindu baptism process, Guru Nanak asked to Pundit to stop and asked Pundit to bring me a holy thread which never get dirty, break, burn and always remain holy. Pundit got confused and surprised on that request. Pundit said there is no such holy thread. Guru Nanak said then I refuse to wear such holy thread.

Guru Nanak recited Aasa ji di waar, in which he explained useless and fruitless rituals of Pundits (Hindu Brahmin Priests) and Mullahs.


Guru Gobind Singh advises Sikhs, Hindus and Muslim to develop love for Supreme Master (Har) and remain in love to see Har, feel Har, realise Har.

Monday, October 7, 2019

1947 1984 1992

1947 1984 1992


Indira Gandhi
  Beant Singh: Torn apart Punjab human rights and values to win over militancy by hook or crook.
  Sajjan Kumar
  Kamal Nath
  Rajeev Gandhi
  Who else?
  Poisoned Punjab psychy into Hindi-Punjabi language issue. Innocent Hindus fell into such Trapp.
Indian Mafia
Giani Zail Singh
  Lost CMship of Punjab and became Home minister of India but didn't like losing power of Punjab.
Darbara Singh
  Seems like wasn't in good books of Giani.
General Shubeg Singh
Sant Jarnail Singh
DGP Raberio
General K S Brar
Lala Jagat Narain
Foreign Agencies
Story of 3 riders with AK47
Who disappears after incident. Police and CRPF jawans were scared of them.
Story of black underwear assaulters:

Story of Black Cats:

Assassination Story:
Story of Sanjay Gandhi, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi Assassination under various cover ups.

RSS and BJP Story:
Lala Jagat Narain

Story of Mahatama Gandhi
Did not know about Guru Gobind Singh?

Story of Nirankaris:

Story of Dharam Yudh Morcha:

Story of Anandpur Mata:

Story of Air India Blast:

Story of Malik, Bagri, Reyat:

Story of 1947

Story of Circular to DCs

Story of Hinduism and Islam

Story of Hinduism and Budhism

Story of Hinduism and Christianity

Story of Hinduism and Sikhism

Story of India and Pakistan

Story of India and Bangladesh

Story of India and Punjab

Story of Punjab Division in 1947

Story of Punjab Division in 1962 in Haryana, Himachal

Story of Operation Blue Star

Story of Operation Black Thunder

Story of Triads
Sant Jarnail Singh (Issue with Nirankaris)
Akali Party (Creator of Anandpur Mata and Punjab Water)
   Punjab Congress hidden war between Darbara Singh Giani Zail Singh started violance via 3 bullet riders with AK47.
Indian Politics (Creator of Khalistan)

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Now and Next

Now and Next

Who we are now is result of our past. Past of this life and before. We could have not be better than who we are. It was our destiny.

Ok let's take it as true, who we are. Now we have accepted who we are and what next.

Both are important, Now and Next.
If we don't accept who we are, where ever we are, we can't move to next step.

Life is movement from one moment to next and one step to next. If we don't take steps then we can't reach no where.

So once we accept ourself and find harmony with ourself then we are ready for Next step. We are ready to move to next step.

Human beings are good at putting others down, no matter who the others are? Arrogance, Ego is the main motivation behind putting others down. Equally every human being is also doubtful of one's ability and status. Human being is skeptical, cynical, doubtful about Supreme Master, about others and equally about himself or herself.

First step: Putting others down:
Human beings good at putting others down. Equally others let others to put them down. Here Guru Nanak advice both others. Others who let others down. And others who feel being let down by others.

Guru Nanak advice target both at same time.
1 It is wrong to put others down.
2 It is wrong to feel being let down by others.

First others are arrogant and Second others are self doubtful about their capabilities and strength.

No one is better than other in Supreme Masters eye and Guru Nanak adviced us and shared that Supreme Masters feelings with us.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019



Focus of mind is crucial to observe, learn or perform accurately without mistake.

Focus of mind is affected by following factors:
1 Over confidence
2 Multitasking
3 Fear
4 Anger
5 Pain, injury, disease, n.
6 Indigestion or thirst or hunger
7 Stress, fatigue
8 Sadness (Depression)
9 Excitement

These are very common factors that affect most human beings.

Apart from these, one more powerful factor is TIME. Time is a progressive force and always moving second by second to minutes to hours to days to months to years to decades to centuries to millenniums and so on. From historic perspective we use calenders but for our purpose we would use PNF time.

PNF time starts now and keep moving into next moment to next moment and so on.

In nut shell, it all begins now. For human beings own purpose most important time is NOW. What happened in past can't be changed and it is locked under my deeds account. My past may be positive or negative. But it is past.

So for a person who is active, careful, planner, director of life, producer of life he/she focus only on now. Whether I focus on NOW or not, the time won't stop. Time keeps moving and if I live in past or future then I am not living in Now.

Every good thing happens in Now. NOTHING HAPPENS IN PAST OR FUTURE. Past has gone and future has not come yet.

One exception, very small window of Now is important. it means if Now is 0, then past is 1 and future is -1. How big window you like to have and you have depends upon you.

Some have 1sec 0  -1sec
Some have 1min 0  -1min
Some have 1hour 0 -1hour
Some have 1day....
So on...

Everyone has their own person time window in which they think, plan and act. Which time window is most effective depends upon whether you are working on a short term or long term plan. Also what type of plan. Diet plan, work plan, career plan, retiring plan, vacation plan so on.