We all live in doubts. When a wise person meet us we realise our doubts. Sat Guru finishes all doubts of life and give us understanding of our wrongs and rights.
Sahsaa Dochithee Restlessness
When we are under deadlines of certain promises which fail to accomplish under timeline, we get worried, stressed and pressured for two reasons; One we dont see any clear path to fulfill our promises in time and secondly the other person starts doubting your intentions and start losing faith in you. You feel facing a double edge sword, on one side it hurts you personally for failing to accomplish and on other side it hurts you when your loved one start doubting your intentions and losing faith in you. Love, Faith, Confidence, Belief are progressive feelings which keep on getting stronger for person in mind with time for our successful promises and weaker for our failure to keep our promises.
Same is true for ourself for our love, faith, confidence and belief in God. When positive things happen in life our belief gets stronger and when negative things happen in life our belief gets weaker. Our faith and confidence starts dwindling, stumbling and shattering.
What is God and Faith
God is the power, strength, hope, possobility, positivity. Life is nothing but minds game. As long as our mind keep active in real time focusing on our vision, targets, goals, promises and keep on planning positive posibilities with reasonable actions our will, confidence, determination, faith and belief in ourself remains positive. As long as we are positive we accomplish things in our real time. When we accomplish during real time, our mind keep us focused on our vision, goals, promises to accomplish them through positive plans and positive actions. Our mind acts simultaneously in three directions (dimensions); 1st in real time (now/present) to keep eye on our planned actions and real time progress; 2nd risk evaluation based on past experience stored in our memory; 3rd desired results in near future based on our action plan and push us through hurdles, tough time, difficuilties, impossiblitities and keep our will, confidence, faith strong in our belief, promises and fuel our desire to accomplish our commitment to ourselves or others.