Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Working on a Philosophy Re: Introducing Beautification As Healing Modality

12 Virtues Introduced by Aristotle – the master of those who know

Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher, a student of Plato who was responsible for major contributions for metaphysics to ethics, aesthetics and politics.  He believed that the function of a human was to engage in an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue.   Aristotle thought that there were two overriding virtues, intellectual and moral.  The intellectual virtues he claimed were acquired by inheritance and education and the moral ones through the imitation of practice and habit.  The highest virtue, according to Aristotle was intellectual contemplation. In addition, there are an additional 12 virtues that can also be attributed to Aristotle and they are as follows:  

1) Courage – bravery and valor

2) Temperance – self-control and restraint

 3) Liberality – bigheartness, charity and generosity  

 4) Magnificence – radiance, joie de vivre

  5) Pride – self-satisfaction

6) Honor – respect, reverence, admiration  

 7) Good Temper – equanimity, level headedness

8) Friendliness – conviviality and sociability

 9) Truthfulness – straightforwardness, frankness and candor

10) Wit – sense of humor – meaninglessness and absurdity  

11) Friendship – camaraderie and companionship

12) Justice – impartiality, evenhandedness and fairness

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