Saturday, October 19, 2019

Wish that came true

Wish that Came True

The money plants A n the picture had been with us for less than six months. Whereas the money plany A is with us for more than 3 years. I placed plant A in my own washroom. It never grew to next level. It had five leaves from beginning and til July 2019 it still had same old five leaves. Out of blue my attention went to it in early July 2019 and made me wander why in last three years not even a single new leave had came out! Somehow my inner voice said to it please grow. I was always watering it but now onwards I started watering with a hope of seeing new leaves. In recent spring my wife did put second money plant B in same washroom. It also coincidently had five original leaves.

To my astonishment, in August both plants grew to next level. Plant A has seven leaves and plant B has eight leaves. What brought that change is unknown to me. All I know I wished for both plants to grow. So either it is coincidence or some hidden science? Either way I am happy that my wish came true for both plants. Wishing prosperity for others is a good virtue!

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