Tuesday, October 1, 2019



Focus of mind is crucial to observe, learn or perform accurately without mistake.

Focus of mind is affected by following factors:
1 Over confidence
2 Multitasking
3 Fear
4 Anger
5 Pain, injury, disease, n.
6 Indigestion or thirst or hunger
7 Stress, fatigue
8 Sadness (Depression)
9 Excitement

These are very common factors that affect most human beings.

Apart from these, one more powerful factor is TIME. Time is a progressive force and always moving second by second to minutes to hours to days to months to years to decades to centuries to millenniums and so on. From historic perspective we use calenders but for our purpose we would use PNF time.

PNF time starts now and keep moving into next moment to next moment and so on.

In nut shell, it all begins now. For human beings own purpose most important time is NOW. What happened in past can't be changed and it is locked under my deeds account. My past may be positive or negative. But it is past.

So for a person who is active, careful, planner, director of life, producer of life he/she focus only on now. Whether I focus on NOW or not, the time won't stop. Time keeps moving and if I live in past or future then I am not living in Now.

Every good thing happens in Now. NOTHING HAPPENS IN PAST OR FUTURE. Past has gone and future has not come yet.

One exception, very small window of Now is important. it means if Now is 0, then past is 1 and future is -1. How big window you like to have and you have depends upon you.

Some have 1sec 0  -1sec
Some have 1min 0  -1min
Some have 1hour 0 -1hour
Some have 1day....
So on...

Everyone has their own person time window in which they think, plan and act. Which time window is most effective depends upon whether you are working on a short term or long term plan. Also what type of plan. Diet plan, work plan, career plan, retiring plan, vacation plan so on.

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