Saturday, October 12, 2019

LAW of Life


Law is law but I am talking about different LAW: Light Air and Water. All three are essential part for life as essential as Food.

Without light we would freeze to death. Without Air we would suffocate to death. Without water we would thirst to death. Without food we would starve to death.

Law of three:
Three minutes without Air
Three days without Water
Three weeks without Food
Three ? without Light

Light is least we talk about when talk about survivability.

How many months or years could we survive without light?

Here are some important facts about life without light and with light.

I found one article on dated JUN 18, 2017 written by Xuan Pham under following heading: How Long Can You Live Without Sunlight?

We know sun's UV rays are consider d villain for skin cancer. What would happen if we avoid sunlight?

No sunlight means little vitamin D in our body. Vitamin D is required to absords lots of minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium etc. Without calcium and other minerals our bones can get weak and may cause various health issues. Depression is a other mental illness which may trigger easily without enough sunlight. Circadian rhythm also get effected which may cause sleep disorders. Our blood cells, muscles and immune system can also be affected by lack of sunlight. 


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