School Time:
As a teenager: Full time
As a adult: Morning and Evening
Nitname, Japji Sahib, Jaap
Sahib, Chaupyee, Savyiae, Anand
Rehras, Anand Sahib, Keertan
School Purpose:
To develop school of thought of
its own based on learning and
self conception. It is higher
learning of self, nature,
universe and creator of all. Finding one's own believes:
Religious belief (social belief)+
Political belief (lifestyle belief)+
Spiritual belief (self belief)+
True belief (Har belief)
= Faith
Finding True Knowledge:
Self knowledge of existence,
purpose of existence, rules of
existence (rights and
knowledge of choices and
consequences (choose to
shape attitude, behaviour and
habits) and analyse cause and
effects of choices on our body,
mind, soul, family,
neighbourhood and society.
Shaping Surath, Math, Man, Budh:
Every child get a starting point
as self perception, genetics,
heritence, focus of developing,
developing peace,
contentment, bliss through
disciplined life.
Starting and ending points of life:
Life starts at various points for
individual souls ranging upto
8.4 million cycles of birth on
earth. Within domain of human
life every human soul has
different starting points and exhibits in form genetics, heritence, ancestry, wisdom, knowledge, practices, level of fearlessness and biaslessness, discipline level, peer groups, volunteerism, mission and vision of life, school, teacher, professor, mentor, role model, self concept, self belief, political belief, religious belief, working belief.
Even tough everyone has different starting point (as a matter of fact unique starting point) but everyone have only one ending point of life.
For simplicity, let's focus on human domain. It is one of the 8.4 million choices. So let's assume 8.4 M - 1 = non human spices domain and it is evolution face of life. From very primitive phase to most advanced matured phase is a journey of soul fir millions and millions of years. Until at the end the soul enters the human phase. Human phase itself has a wide domain. Which is evident from looking at almost 8 billion human souls on earth at present. Every human soul's starting point is as unique as their physical appearance. Unique physical appearance do not necessarily corresponds to Unique soul appearance. In other words a unique physically weak, sick, poor, body might have very strong, fearless, biasless Unique soul. In other words such person might be considered by conventional human wisdom as a very lowly human being but the soul be very close to end point of its destination.
In other words, 8.4th million reincarnation cycles of soul might get you human form but within human form there might be equal number of reincarnation cycles before reaching the final end point of life. So life cycle might be considered as (8.4 M - 1) + (8.4 M -1) = Starting points of a soul in which (8.4 M - 1) are non human form soul's starting points and (8.4 M - 1) are human form soul's starting point. The ( - 1) in (8.4 M - 1) represent the last starting point before the end point. Or runners up the final end point.
Let's assume that a soul in human form is at the runners up end point stage. Does it mean that it is guaranteed for that soul to reach end point after runners up end point. Yes if it moves forward but there are two other possibilities: one soul may not move at all and stays at its starting point or move backwards.
If soul moves backward then who knows how far back it would move. What would be the main reason for such a wonderful, clean, close to pure soul starting move backwards. Only one reason is possible: the subtle form of ego or arrogance that taints this soul that I am so pure and about to merge with The Param Soul (Param Atama).
If soul didn't move at all and remained the same then it means soul has no ego or arrogance and simply waiting for green light from house of Param Atama to enter.
In other words a soul at runners up end point is pure soul and eventually would merge in ParamAtama once signalled by ParamAtama. Or it means ParamAtama has final discretion of allowing pure soul to enter the Sachkhand (True Zone).
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