Monday, October 28, 2019

Thoughts and Actions

Thoughts and Actions

These are two activities which are most important aspect of human being. 
Thoughts are invisible and within the individual mind until it is expressed or exhibited in some manner of actions.
Human actions have no limit and every human being accomplish millions of actions in life time. 
Human thoughts and actions are choice based whereas body function is perpetual in nature. In other words, body basic conscious (senses), brain function, memory function, manipulation and thought processing, thought conversion to action, thought induction and action induction process, breathing cycle, blood cycle, digestion cycle, organ functions are all automatic functions. Whether human being want to think or not and act or not is optional and upto human being.

Human beings first learn from others, books, observation and experience. Later s/he either follow others or do its own or combination of both. 

There is one more thing between automatic body functions and choice of thoughts and actions. In other words, each human being has three basic things to rely upon. 
1 Body's and Brain's Automatic 
2 Human Mind's Thought Induction
   and Action Induction
3 In between above two is mind 
   state and environment state at 
   time of birth and its continous 
   effect throughtout the life.

New topic:
Promises Possibilities and Deadlines

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